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Are you looking for help with a book?

To write a book — and get your unique story out of your head and into the hands of your readers — is an enormous undertaking. And there’s just nothing in the world like it. We’re so excited to be with you on this journey, every step of the way. The Folse Group will customize our team for the writing, editing, design, illustration, and marketing of your book. Everything that needs to get done WILL get done well, including finding the target market for your book.

Whether you want to write your book yourself or if you’d like for us to collaborate, here’s what we can do for you!

Development, Stage I — Transforming Ideas into Action

Together, we’ll crystalize your idea, analyze your potential market, identify your ideal reader, and explore your marketing possibilities. At the end of Stage I, you will have a concise overview for your book, an outline of desired content, preliminary competitive analysis, and a draft of your author bio. We have a limited amount of Stage 1 slots available

Development, Stage II – From Outline to Draft

With research tasks and the outline complete, drafting your book will kick off Stage II. At the end of this stage, you will have a full first draft of your book, plus additional materials needed for a proposal or publishing

Development, Stage III – From Draft to Finished Manuscript

With your draft complete, your book will enter the editing stage.Your path to completionwill begin with a content evaluation topinpoint any adjustments recommendedforyour draft.Click on the button below to learn more about your best next step!